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[[first column]]
Butler, J. T. P.Q. -2-17-
Brown and Johnson -8-20-28-30-
Buntura, Joseph, -13-
Balfour, H. T. -16-25-
Bahin, Gustavo I and Alphouse -16-25-
Brecourt, Solomon and M.A. -18-25-
Butler, Brewoort, -18-25-
Botto, Joseph, -21-39-
Brickle, William E. -27-37
Brown, Andrew, -27-36-
Bunnie, Mrs, -31-
Butler, B.J. -31-35-
Boyd, S.S. -33-
Bancroft, Mary -33-
Board Trustees Jefferson College -33-
Rallock, William M. -35-
Bareield, Samuel, -36-38-
Board of Police Adams Co. Mip. head of. -37-
Buckner, A. -41-
Baltour, Mary C. -41-

[[second column]]
Biggs, S.A. Mrs, -42-
Bay, Ransom F. -44-
Balfour, C.C. -44-

Bowie, Allan. -2-
Balfour, William S. -3-
Brady, Michael -4-
Ribb and Hopkins -12-16-