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Prohibition Repeal or Modification?

What position should The Fifth Avenue Association take on this vital question?

The Board of Directors of The Fifth Avenue Association at a meeting on April 13th voted to submit the question of repeal or modification of the prohibition act to the interests in this section, believing that the opinion so summarized will be of value in guiding the course of our representatives in both parties at Washington and also in presenting the viewpoint of our diversified membership to the country as a whole.

1. Should we advocate the repeal of the Eighteenth Amendment? 
Yes [x]
No  [ ]

2. Should we advocate Congressional action to modify the Volstead Act to permit the manufacture and sale of light wines and beer? 
Yes [x]
No  [ ]

3. Should we advocate future control of the liquor traffic: 

a. By the adoption of a new Federal Constitutional amendment which would leave control of liquor traffic in the separate states with the Federal Government, each state to decide by referendum as to whether it shall be wet or dry?
Yes [x]
No  [ ]

b. By returning the control of liquor traffic to the separate states themselves and divorcing the Federal Government of an part in this control? 
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Appreciating that many of our members will wish to cast a ballot on this question but may not feel that they can speak for the company or corporation they represent in our Association, we have provided the following questions to guide us in analyzing the "membership" and "individual" replies. 

Does this ballot represent your personal opinion?
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Does this ballot represent the opinion of the organization you represent? 
Yes [ ]
No  [ ]

Ballots should be returned in the enclosed, self-addressed, prepaid envelop to The Fifth Avenue Association, 350 Fifth Avenue, before May 10, 1932.
Please sign below. The identity of all voters will be held in strictest confidence. 

Name [[blank line]]
Business Address [[blank line]]
Business Classification [[blank line]]