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The Fifth Avenue Association INC

Telephone: PEnnsylvania 6-7900


have stressed the importance of removing the Madison Avenue Street Cars. 

Our Association is watching and is prepare to support any application which is sound, and which will furnish the service along the route which we believe will best serve the future interests of Madison Avenue. With a definite application now before the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and negotiations under way with the New York and Harlem Road, the owners of the street car line, we feel that very definite progress has been made since January 1st, towards the removal of the street cars. Watch our bulletins carefully for future progress reports. 

If any of our members on Madison Avenue have not accepted the invitation sent them to join the Committee of One Thousand sponsoring this improvement they are urged to do so immediately.

On Tuesday, February 23rd, Mr. Emil W. Kohn, Chairman of our Architectural Betterment Committee, presented to former Governor Alfred E. Smith, President of the Empire State building company, the gold medal award of the Association for 1931, together with a diplomat certifying that the Empire State Building was "architecturally excellent" and entitled therefore to recognition as the best building erected in the Fifth Avenue Section during the pas year. A certificate of merit was presented at the same time to Messrs. Shreve, Lamb and Harmon, architscts of the Empire State Building. The award was made in the presence of the Board of Directors of Empire State, officers and directors of the Association, members of the Architectural Betterment Committee, and the architects and builders. Only the one award was made. 

The celebration of the bicentennial of the birth of George Washington, which is being held this year, will center, as the papers have already reported, about Bryant Park, where a replica of the Federal Hall is being erected for the pageant and ceremonies which are to take place on April 30th. Already Fifth Avenue, fitted out with its golden "celebration" lights, has cooperated in a colorful flag display on Washington's birthday, the official opening of the celebration. From time to time during the year, until Thanksgiving Day when the celebration will end, we shall call on our members to cooperate in the plans of the committee in charge, principally through the display of flags and the dressing of windows in keeping with the purpose of the celebration.

Your Association has been asked to cooperate in the campaign which is now under way to bring into circulation money now hoarded and thus restore confidence in business and create the credit necessary to set industry in motion again. Our investment of idle money to the attention of their employees. This they can do by bulletins, personal messages to assembled groups, and by cooperating with those in charge of the campaign for the sale of the securities which the United States Government is issuing to provide a safe, interest-bearing investment for those who are now hoarding idle dollars.

The campaign started by our Association several weeks ago in connection with pedestrian safety on Park Avenue is being carried on actively by us in conjunction with our Park Avenue Committee and the Police Department. Summons squads are active along Park Avenue between 46th and 96th Streets day and night, and the motorcycle patrol is helping to curtail speeding and running past the lights. Our observations indicate that there has been a great improvement since the campaign was started and that motorists are more careful in making turns. They no longer "jockey" for a quick start at intersections and are taking fewer chances on running through the dark period during the light change. We shall continue to urge the police and traffic departments to exercise vigilance in issuing summons and otherwise enforcing the regulations which are so essential to the safety of pedestrians who must cross the wide roadways of Park Avenue.

Thomas W. Hughes
Thomas W. Hughes

Wm. J. Fedrick
Wm. J. Fedrick