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The Fifth Avenue Association INC.


Telephone: PEnnsylvania 6-7900


Raising Standards Will Create Buying Confidence

If each merchant with a ground floor store window, no matter what the size may be, would endeavor to make that window as attractive and artistic as any in this section (and there are many good examples), it would "step up" the standards of the section ten per cent overnight--and would create such a favorable impression that the entire city of New York would immediately recognize that Fifth Avenue Section stores were again pointing the certain, safe, sure way  back to good business for retail business throughout the country. It would immediately create buying confidence among shoppers who today are afraid that cheap standards of business bespeak inferior merchandise.


It is with pleasure that we announce the election to the Board of Directors of the Association of Mr. J. E. Pridday, President of Lord & Taylor, and of Mr. LeRoy T. Pease, Secretary and Treasurer of Ovington Brothers Company.

The addition of Mr. Pridday and Mr. Pease brings to the Board not only two men of vision and initiative, but completes a roster of outstanding representatives in the business, realty, and banking world, all of whom are giving cheerfully of their time to preserve intact the great heritage which is ours in the Fifth Avenue Section. 
Seldom is a meeting of our Board attended by less than seventy-five per cent of the Board membership, which indicates the need, particularly in these days, of having an active Board of Directors to formulate policies for the government, so to speak, of this great area over which the Association exercises its guardianship.

Directors to Be Elected

With this bulletin goes forward the recommendations of the Nominating Committee for directors whose terms expire at the Annual Meeting on February 16th. It is interesting to point out to our members that, by reason of the service rendered to the Association by the retiring members of the Board, the Nominating Committee has seen fit to recommend to the members their continuance in office for another three years.

Committees Active

The various sectional and functional committees of the Association are more active than ever in guarding against destructive influences, and with great care are studying the problems which confront the section today. The appreciation of the Board of Directors is extended to the chairman and members of these committees for the very able interest taken in the work assigned to them during the year just past. It is hoped that within the next few months there will be arranged a joint meeting of these various sectional and functional committees, with the Board of Directors, so that the Board can express thanks to them in person, and assure them of the interest taken by each and every member of the Board in the activities of these various committees.


With the State Legislature now in full swing our Legislative Service Bureau is watching all bills of interest to our members. Any member desiring information about, or a copy of, any measure whether before the State Legislature or the Board of Estimate and Apportionment or the Board of Aldermen, may obtain it by telephoning or writing to Mr. Arthur G. Mathews, manager of our bureau. There is no extra charge for this information, which is furnished as part of our regular service to members.

Keep the Fifth Avenue Section First in the World

Thomas W Hughes
Thomas W. Hughes

Wm. J. Pedrick
Wm. J. Pedrick