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The Object and Purposes 
of the 
Municipal Educational Exposition
Grand Central Palace
May 26 to June 23, 1923

To boost New York City.
To portray New York City in a truthful and accurate manner.
To show why New York is rightfully the first city of the world.
To prove to the visitor that New York is the best city in the world to live in.
To familiarize our citizens and visitors with the opportunities offered by the city and the care and protection afforded.
To bring visitors to our city.
To stimulate business activity.
To mark a very important epoch in the history of our municipal government.
To show the progress of municipal government for the past quarter of a century.
To show the tremendous growth of population in the City of New York.
To exhibit under one roof the most intricate, the most technical and at the same time the most practical and remarkable piece of machinery ever put together - The City of New York.
To show the taxpayer and the rent payer how the budget of the city is expended.
To show the taxpayer and rent payer how they can be helpful in reducing the cost of government.
To instruct the children of the public and private schools in the actual functioning of our municipal government.
To show the "New York of Tomorrow" as visualized by the American Institute of Architects.

Transcription Notes:
I did not double space the lines.