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June 4th, 1938

Dear Mr. Ford:

I am sending you, under separate cover, catalogues, in two sections, of the forthcoming sale of the celebrated MORTIMER L. SCHIFF COLLECTION which is going to be held at Christie's in London in the latter part of the month.

No doubt you have heard of Mr. Schiff who was one of the leading collectors of his day and a man of very exceptional taste.

Amongst the paintings, we should like to especially draw your attention to the two famous masterpieces:

No. 84 by Roger VAN DER WEYDEN, "The Dream of Pope Sergius"
No. 86 by Hans MEMLING, "The Madonna and Child Enthroned"

included in the drawings: 

No. 53 by A. WATTEAU, "Portrait of Mehemet Riz Bey", Ambassador to France, 1715. With illustrious dedigree.

among the words of art:

No. 34 the celebrated statue in marble by BOUCHARDON which was a Court order.
No. 94 the rare Eucharistic Dove in Champleve enamel of the 13th century. 

As you will see, the collection comprises the most beautiful pieces of furniture of the 18th century with Sevres plaques and works of art of the Gothic and Renaissance periods.

Due to the preset world conditions, we feel that some of these items might sell for a fraction of their original cost.
