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                 FRANCE FOREVER
                587 Fifth Avenue
               New York, New York

Dear Fellow Member:

This bulletin is being sent to you with our compliments; we will continue to do so as long as our meager funds permit.

We are sure that you will find it interesting to get a resume of news about Free France, some of which comes from private sources. In exchange for this bulletin we would appreciate your helping us in the following ways:

1. Please speak to your friends of the news that you have read. We want to keep alive interest in France by informing people of the resistance of the French to the invader and of the activities of the Free French Army.

2. Please pass this along to the editor of your local paper. He may pick up some interesting items for his publication.

3. We would like to have you write to us telling us what you think of this bulletin. Also tell us how we can further the cause of the Free French in your neighborhood.

Thank you.

                         Yours for a Free France,
                                FRANCE FOREVER