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5 East 57th Street
New York, N.Y. 10022

October 15, 1976

Dear Muriel,

When I reached the gallery early this morning, Theresa handed me the letter you addressed to me yesterday.

We immediately asked Mr. Feigen to deliver your painting, as per your indication. The painting is here, and is with our own paintings in what we call our "Reserve", a small room under Holmes protection.

Though you write that "naturally we, the museum and I, accept full responsibility", it seems necessary for me to repeat that your painting will not be covered by any of our insurances, and that we cannot give it any further protection then as stated above.

I am anxious for you to know how sincere my disappointment is, not to be able to be of any help to you. The "reasons" which you refer to are unfortunately the result of experiences I have had extending over such a long time. There is no one whom I would have been more anxious to please than you, after so many years of the most friendly relations.

With renewed regrets,

Most sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

P.S.: It is my understanding that your brother will call for the painting next week, and furthermore, let me say that it will not be shown to any other party while it is in our hands, unless advised by you.

Mrs. Muriel Francis Bogner
1525 Louisiana Avenue
New Orleans, Louisiana 70115