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June 9th., 1976.

Dear Muriel:

At last we are having weather which resembles Summer - something I have been waiting for a 
very long time, and at the end of this month we will close for vacations, until after 
Labor Day - the Seligmans off for California 
and I for Hawley, Penna. Will you be in town meanwhile?

Now, a second question: Would it be possible 
for you to return the two transparencies, etc., which Germain sent you in May '75?-one is of 
the Nattier portrait, the other of the Fontainebleau "Lot and His Daughters". 
I saw Jeli again about a week ago. She seems 
well and happy and is planning to spend another summer on some mountain in North Italy. Just 
when she will be leaving, I do not know. 

Best wishes from all, and

Mrs. Muriel B. Francis,
1525 Louisiana Ave.,
New Orleans, La. 70155.  Mrs. T. D. Parker.