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February 13th, 1968

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York, 22 N.Y.

Dear Theresa:

The bad news on income tax arrived this morning, and this is in haste to get some word to you.  I think I better not attempt the Chasseriau at the moment.  I am packing it in the same box that it came in and it should be on the way to you no later than tomorrow via air freight.

I do not know exactly when I can get up, I hope no later than March, but things are still pretty hectic here.

From looking at the weather reports and talking to Howard, I see you have had no let up  in the bad weather, in that area we have been lucky here.

My thanks to you and Mr. Seligmann for affording me the opportunity to enjoy the Chasseriau- if only briefly.

This comes with my fondest greetings.

Muriel B. Francis

copy GS diary p.2 - 2/16/68