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January 4th., 1967.

Dear Muriel:

How wonderful!   Your description of Christmas-in-New-Orleans sounds marvelous, and I even envy you the confusion though just how anyone can create the energy needed to cope with so many things, is beyond me. 

Mr. Seligman is completely agreeable to your suggestion and proposes that after receiving your Three Thousand Dollar check, we send the invoice acknowledging that payment at the same time.  I expect you will be in accord with this idea and that you will wish the drawing shipped to New Orleans?

Meanwhile you probably will like to have the brochure with all relative data on your beautiful new acquisition, and it is leaving under separate cover.

Our weather, as you probably have heard, has been rather on the gentle side ever since Santa's rather unwelcome gift of a white Christmas Eve which interrupted so many people's plans.  

With every possible good wish from all here to you and the Colonel for a happy 1967,

As always,

Mrs. Theresa D. Parker

Mrs. Howard F Bogner,
1525 Louisiana Ave., 
New Orlenas, Louisiana    70115.

[[image - signature]]