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1525 Louisiana Ave
N.O. ha

May 26, 1966

Miss Teresa Parker
Jacques Seligmann and Company
5 East 57th Street 
New York, New York

Dear Teresa:

It was marvelous to see you and thank you very much for a very pleasant lunch. Also, thank you for your thoughtfulness in sending me the clipping on Joe Hirschow. Needless to say, I could not get a Times anywhere. 

After all these years of refusing to own my paintings or drawings, as you know, I finally succumbed to the blandishments of Mr. Charles Buckley and Jean Boggs and have agreed to loaning the lovely "Head of a Woman" to just the museums it St. Louis and Philadelphia. I assume they will want some background on the drawing. If it is not an imposition, when Mr. Seligmann returns, would you ask him to let me have whatever he thinks would be pertinent. The one little thing I had I sent to the insurance company, as I recall, when I insured it.

I do hope your vacation will be a happy one. Fondest greetings and many thanks.

Muriel Bultman Francis

5/31/66 ee GS diary p. 22