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February 18th., 1961.

Dear Muriel: 
Cruel fate - an invitation to New Orleans at this dreary time of the year, which cannot be accepted. No, I cant possibly go, because the Seligmans are in Barbados and someone has to stay home to keep house. Anyway, I envy you though our temperature is rising.

Mrs. Thurman must be terribly grateful for your concern over her, and what a time she seems to have had. In fact I've never heard a similar tale of a to-be-mother, and gather she must have some serious abdominal ailment.

What have I been doing? Nothing outside of my regular routine I fear, but I do have the consolation of liking what I do. I am soooooo anxious to get out of town for just a few days but understand that everywhere hereabouts there is still too much snow for comfort and therefore my longest journey has been to dine with one of my few New York relatives away over on East 66th. Street!

Our accountant, Mr. Porjes, tells me your account is up to date and nothing due before March 1st., so simply relax and enjoy yourself for me too.


Mrs. Muriel Francis 
1525 Louisiana Avenue, 
New Orleans, La.