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MURIEL FRANCIS Publicity Public Relations
38 East 57th Street New York 22, N.Y. Plaza 9-5600
August 18, 1952

Mrs. Theresa Parker
RD 1
Hawley, Pa. 

Dear Mrs. Parker:
Muriel sent you my report on activities completed or currently "in the works" concerning the d'Arenberg Collection last week I believe. I am writing now to bring up a question concerning the art publications. As I recall from our last conference with Mr. Seligman he stated that one must deal delicately with the art publications, especially the more important ones such as Art News and implied that he would probably supervise the contact there. Perhaps I assume wrongly, but I do feel that the majority of them should be notified soon. Is it all right for me to go ahead and approach them, including Mr. Hess at Art News, or do you feel that I should hold off on them until after Mr. Seligman's return? I would appreciate your letting me know about this as soon as possible.

Do you think it would be possible for LOOK magazine to photograph the mss. next week? The art editor wants to see them, choose what she likes and photo on the spot. I would also like LIFE to see them the same day, but with a wide time margin to prevent any surprise meetings. 
Can the mss. be photographed in the warehouse? 
My best regards,
Jack C. Davis