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August 15, 1952

Memo on publicity for d'Arenberg collection:

LIFE Magazine has seen the bound photostatic catalogues and are extremely interested. Religious Department has been working on an illuminated manuscript story in Europe, however, and this may rule out their doing anything on d'Arenberg. Want to see actual mss. very soon.

LOOK enthusiastic over the catalogues. The art editor wants to see the actual manuscript and when she does photograph them (those she likes) to have material ready for Fleur Cowles to see after Labor Day. 

PARK EAST is running a picture of one of the pages from the collection with caption as part of their prediction of exciting winter events in New York, this for October issue. They wanted it either for October or not at all.

Mademoiselle magazine is uncertain about doing anything on the show because it is strictly a New York event, will know more about t his next month.

Talked to Archer Speers, art editor at Newsweek, interested in seeing mss. as soon as possible and requested memo-material on the collection he now has.

Time has received memo-letter on collection for their advance consideration.

Feature editors of Realities
Illustrated London News have been contacted and s ent material. 

Editors contacted and material sent to:
The Catholic Digest
The Catholic Educator
The Sign
The American Ecclesiasticl
The Catholic Mind
The Columbia
The Catholic World
The Living Church (Anglo-Catholic)
The American Scholar
Liturgical Arts