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Muriel Francis  -  Publicity - Public Relations
38 EAST 57th STREET  NEW YORK 22, N. Y.   PLAZA 9-5600

                                   May 7th, 1952

Mrs. T. Parker
Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th Street
New York 22, N. Y.

Dear Mrs. Parker,

Thank you for your nice note of the 3rd. Seriously, I would appreciate it if you would keep the drawing until we decide when we will be moving in. I will send along another check in June and the balance before July 30th.

Perhaps one day next week if you have a moment we could have lunch or a cup of tea together. I will hope to hear from you. 

Thank you and also Mr. Seligmann for my lovely drawing, from which I know I shall have many hours of pleasure.

Most Sincerely,
  Muriel F

Muriel Francis