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May 3, 1952

Dear Miss Francis:

How very prompt! Your two checks came even before I had gotten around to an invoice for the lovely Redon drawing.

As I correct in assuming that you really want us to keep the drawing until you move into your new house.... or would you not like to have it even now? You have but to express your desire in this respect, as we would be delighted to deliver it either time.

You will notice that at the end of the invoice there is a mention that the balance will be paid prior to July 30th. Here again I have followed your indication, but that too can be revised according to your wishes.

Sometime soon I will drop over to see you, if I may. Meanwhile, good luck about the new house.


Mrs. T. D. Parker

Miss Muriel Francis
38 East 57th Street,
New York 22, N. Y.
