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New York, New York 10022

January 4, 1968

Dear Mr. Freyberger:

How very good of you to have written as you did and let me thank you for your nice and interesting note of December 31st. 

You have indeed a very remarkable memory, for it is only upon receipt of the data concerning Mme d'Haussonville that I was reminded of our conversation. I am very glad to know of this genealogical background of this attractive woman. 

No doubt, you are aware of the two other manifestations praising INGRES, in France - the one last year, in Montauban, and the present one, in Paris, at the Petit Palais.

With renewed appreciation of your thoughtfulness and with all good wishes for the New Year.

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Mr. Ronald Freyberger
4445 Post Road
Riverdale, New York 10471