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December 11, 1953

Dear Dr. Friedländer: 
Once more I am indebted to you for your most interesting lines of December 7, for which I hasten to thank you.

I particularly appreciate, and I should say marvel, at the promptness with which you answered my letter.

As I wrote to you I have also sent a photograph to Mr. Charles Sterling, but I do not have any word from him yet. Meanwhile, however, I am glad to know that my opinion does not seem to be too far from your own, which is indeed flattering.

The proximity of Christmas and New Year gives me the pleasant opportunity of sending you my very best wishes on these occasions. May 1954 of Christmas and New Year gives me the pleasant opportunity of sending you my very best wishes on these occasions. May 1954 afford me at last the great privilege of seeing you again, which circumstances have postponed so often.

With renewed thanks and warm personal regards,

Sincerely yours,

Germain Seligman

Dr. Max J. Friedländer
38 Beethovenstraat