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November 20, 1950

Dear Dr. Friedlander:

How extremely good of you to have so very promptly answered my query and do accept my very best thanks for your kindness in confirming the Hans von Kulmbach authorship.

Would you mind very much if I asked you anew to let me know whether there is any further information you can give me about Schlossheim. Was it not a famous collection and whom did it belong to? I am truly sorry to be taking up your time with such uninteresting questions but you know how anxious Americans are to obtain all possible pedigree and data on the past of their aesthetic possessions. Four lines on this topic would be of great value.

I, am glad to read you are enjoying the little package and am taking the liberty of sending you another one in the hope it will reach you in time for Weihnacht.

With warm personal regards,


Germain Seligman

Dr. Max J. Friedlander
38 Beethovenstraat
