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September 12, 1950

Dear Dr. Friedlander:

Twice I had my plane reservation to go to Amsterdam and twice I had to cancel my trip.

I am the more so disappointed at having had to do so as I was so much looking forward to seeing you again, as was my wife who had kept such a charming recollection of our meeting in Ascona.

Not having had thus the privilege of calling on you, will you excuse me if I resort to a letter to ask your opinion about a drawing and a painting which are most probably known to you.

The drawing (photograph herein) is by Durer "Portrait of Stabius" (?) which is in a Zurich private collection I understand (I do not know the name of the owner) and it was sold last year I understand by the Prince of Lichtenstein. I examined the drawing as carefully as one can looking at a drawing which is hung in an exhibition in Zurich, and realized it had been torn and did not look as if it were in pristine condition, but drawings by Durer being so very rare we must be willing to accept certain deficiencies, but to what extent??.........that is the question.

I feel certain you know the drawing well and your opinion as to whether it is worthy purchase would interest me much. Above all of course comes the question whether you recognize it as an original by Durer and to what extent it has been restored. You know that here in the States everything is put under ultra-violet rays which show immediately any restorations and I would not want to be faced with a drawing the minimum of which is original.

Now I am sending you herein also the photograph of a Flemish painting which is in comparatively good condition, but have you any opinion as to its author? It is a painting which appeals to me and which I would gladly buy though the present price mentioned is a little high, particularly without any name. I understand that this painting was originally in the Spitzer collection though I did not find any description in the catalogue which could apply to it, but that is really of no importance. The only thought I had was that it could be around Prevot, as to me the Virgin is quite French, but my opinion counts for little expecially [[especially]] when I am appealing to you. Should you have a few moments time it would give me much pleasure indeed to hear from you

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