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I do not know whether I have made this clear or if on the contrary I have just confused things a little mo e [[more]]. 
I am however so convinced that you know all about this and will not therefore have to go through all these details. 

Now of course comes up the other question - which one of the two or three paintings was engraved by Hollar in 1646. It would seem to me further that one of these paintings should be the original, and the others are probably studio copies, just for the reason if I recall correctly what you told me that Durer never repeated himself exactly. 

Another point which I would appreciate knowing about if possible is whether you think that the Sternberg collection still includes this Durer portrait. 

Hearing from you on this topic will be doubly appreciated as be the same token I do hope you will be able to tell me that you are well and as active as you always are. 

I intend going to Europe this Spring and do hope that in one city or another I shall have the great privilege and pleasure of seeing you. 

With anticipated thanks for your kind answer and with my best personal regards, 

Ich hoffe Sie werden es nicht uebelnehmen dass ich Sie mit dieser erfragen belaestige - und in voraus bin ich 
Ihnen bestens dankend

Sincerely yours,

(Germain Seligman)

Dr. Max J. Friedlander
38 Beethovenstraat

Transcription Notes:
Handwritten initials appear in lower right corner.