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March 6, 1937

[[strikethrough]] 9 EAST 57TH STREET [[/strikethrough]] 2 East 57
New York City
TELEPHONE [[strikethrough]] PLAZA 3 7082 [[/strikethrough]] Wiz 4753

Dear Mr. Licht,

I wish to confirm our several telephone conversations.  I am not as interested that you have not received my letter as several very important letters have either not reached me at home nor reached the people I wrote to.  As a matter of fact after I spoke to you this morning, somebody else called me up and told me that they had received returned a letter of importance addressed to me.

Concerning the two mantels I sold for Seligmann, the bill is to be made out to me personally.  I have reason to believe that a further payment should be forthcoming very shortly.  Please confirm and bill me for the two mantels.

Very truly yours, 
J. Furst