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[[2 columns]]

Belcker A.S. | 62,68,136,138,140,222,236,`
Beloker Edwin  | 66,246,276,
Brooks J.J.  | 82
Boris C.F. | 94
Brigs Genl  | 122
Browe Mr. T.E.  | 116,120,
Breckinridge H  | 142,270,294,312,318,
Bradford Miss  | 142
Benton H. | 188,
Barrow & Bomum  | 200,
Bradley W.H. | 204,
Bryan W.J.  | 218,222,
Blacker C.B.  | 226,312,
Barnes A.S.&c  | 244,
Battey, Mary S. 246,252,
Balloch, Geo W. | 250,
Buck A.A. | 162,166,168,
Bailey E.A.  | 176,
Bannwell, Louisa | 242,252,276,278,
Battell S.  | 252
Barney J.W. Agt.  | 284,326,
Bankston C.T.  | 291,
Bell M.RH. Agt. 300,328,
Baker Duncan  | 302,
Brunsen H.W.  | 308
Barnard M.R. | 324,
Boyd Miss Ann | 346,
Ballou Geo R. Agent&c  | 350
Branner Benj  | 352,