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[[3 columned table]]

|Forster J B | Teacher | 16:36.234.288 322.458.474.458.494.502|
|Few J C | Teacher | 24.500.554|
|Fuss George | Watchman ||
|Fleming T. W. |   | 30|
|Fitch W G. capt |   | 50|
|Finney and Co  |   | 60.96|
|Frampton R. L. | Teacher ||
|Flagler D.W. Col usa &c |   | 166|
|Farnhorn. G.H. | Clerk | 198.318.406.452.508.596 |
|Freeman. Eliza | Teacher. | 244.|
|Flournoy.Howell.C. |   | 338.|
|Full Phebe | Teacher | 364. |
|French Miss M.E. | Teacher |396 |
|Fincher A.J. | Teacher | 416.482.578. |
|Fudge, R F. |   |508. |
|Feagan. Geo. W |   |506. |
|Frederick Hegh |   |548. |