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War Department, 
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 
Washington, Sept 26th 1866.

G. L. Eberhart Esq.
Supt &c

Dear Sir

Yours of 22nd is here, I enclose Docs which will give you all the information we have, Except as you may reach the point of locating lands definitely, where special questions might be answered. I hope what is now sent may be satisfactory. 

Yours of 17th inst. to General Howard has been referred to me for answer. The Circulars you name will be sent. 

The Blanks we send you will have to be lengthened to suit, by cutting & indenting a sheet or sheets - Our printing apparatus would give no larger form -

Truly Yours
J. W. Alvord

Transcription Notes:
Edited: filled in blanks, J. W. Alvord is correct signature