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New England Branch Freedmen's and Union Commission.
No. 8 Studio Building,
Boston, Oct. 6, 1866.

Mr. Eberhart,

Dear Sir,
We have received yours of Oct. 1st & the enclosed accounts, & have handed the latter to our Treasurer. 
We do not understand what you mean by saying that after the 31st inst. you will notify Mrs. Christian & Mrs. Wilson that they must look to us for employment. We supposed that they were in our employ, already, & if they prove satisfactory, let them continue as before! We hear nothing from Miss Christian, Mrs. Techenschner, or Miss McCartney, where are they, and what are they doing!

Pardon extreme haste
Very truly yrs,
Hannah E Stevenson
Sec. Com. Teacher C.LT

Transcription Notes:
I guessed that the first word was power, but it seems that the first letter looks a lot like the "y" in the text. Edited: filled in blanks, lot of this stuff is repetitive, if you review other pages that have been transcribed it should help