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Gordon Wilkerson Co Ga
November 18th 1866 

G.L. Eberhart
State Supt F S Ga 
Bureau R F and A L

I have the honor to acknowledg the receipt of your letter dated Dec 14th 1866, and allso a blank form, of which I have filed out. And in accordance, with your request, I will give you a brief History, of my School. I comenced to teach on the 4th day of June. last and as soon as it became known that I was teaching at Freedmans. School, I got thirty three Scollars, I was to receive one Dollar a month - from each Scholar for teaching, at the end of the month when I went to collect, my pay I found that onley a few that could pay me scarceley. enough to pay my expences, but with the prommis of better pay for the next month i still kep up the School I have to pay for the Building in which I have my School in Five (5) Dollars a month which leaves me a verry small salary. For the month of October I onley colected Six dollars up to this date