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St. Catharines Island
Dec 18th 1866-
I write to inform you that I commenced teaching school on the 27th of Nov. the Freedmen agreed to pay me $15. per month, I have to instruct over one hundred young and old all Day and at night untill 10 or 12 PM now you will think the pay rather too small therefore I would solicit through your kindness-- assistance from the Bureau, say twenty or thirty dollars per month to enable me to live. the people are very anxious to learn but they are very poor as yet, they have settled for their summers work until Jan and they have had the Small Pox among them. The cholera likewise hoping you will consider kindly these few lines and grant my request. I shall teach them to pray for you as their Benefactor and if this should meet your approbation, slates are wanted for their use Pencils a Bottle of Ink and a Quire of paper. Capt Winchester presented the school with spelling books Readers and Arithmetics. I beg you to Write by the next steamer the Hiram McCool comes to the Landing twice a week. I Remain Dr Sir your Most Obliged 
Humble Servant,
Saml Graham.