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when you complain of being much annoyed by my repeated complaint in regard to salary and other matters I wish that you would inform me what the other matters are and I think that I have a good reason for complaining about a salery and you cannot but think so too when you consider the paultry sum that I have received from the freed people and from you for four months services of teaching a day and night school. $130.75 which makes $32.68 per month and then is ten dollar paid out of that for Decb. Room Rent and ten to twelve dollars that is yet unpaid by some of the parents. You have neglected to remit to me the room rent for Decb. which in a previous letter you stated would be paid monthly and I suppose that it is useless for me to call you to mind that I have not received but $13 for my services for the month of Decb. and out of that has been paid $10 for Room Rent. I shall leave you to act in the matter as your better Judgment directs. You have perhaps forgotten what you stated to me in your letter of Novb 22nd I will send you a Coppy and it may have a tendancy