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La Grange, Ga, Jany 18 1867
Mr G.L. Eberhart

My Dear Sir:
Yours of 16th Inst to Mrs C has been recd and I herewith forward her Report for the month of Dec. I have concluded to accept your appointment of Dist Sup. & herewith send you my Report as such. You see I report only one School. The reason of this is that I have been unable to get means from any source to rent or purchase houses. I could have had eight or ten Schools in successful operation if I had had the means to procure houses. Over two months ago I sent to you an application for funds to pay rent for a house here, one at West Point & one at Franklin. I made out the application in the form (as I thought) suggested in one of your letters, but have not heard from it since. I suppose the reason may be that I had sent it to Augusta, not noticing that you had changed your head quarters to Savannah. I will resend the application now for Franklin, LaGrange and Grantville, leaving out West Point. At the latter point I have rented a house & will shortly establish the school. The house is in Alabama (the state line runs through the town) 

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