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I will ascertain the number of schools Teachers pupils &c, at the earliest day, and make out a report. 

The freedmen in this county have done but little in the way of schools, from the fact that they have not had the means, and the last year was almost a failure of the crop - and they will not be able the present year to do much, having to rely upon their own race for the means of supporting schools, If the means were furnished by Government or some assistance, considerable might be done in this county, several schools were started last year, in different parts of the county, but were discontinued for want of means to pay the Teachers. 

I think it nothing but right that the Government should furnish means to educate the Colored people, and agents who attend to their duties promptly, and faithfully, ought certainly to receive something for their services - I have had a great many cases of difference between white and Colored to settle, in which it was impossible to get any thing for