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The American Missionary Association has been working twenty years for the African race. Since the beginning of the rebellion it has turned special attention to the Freedmen. It has now over 300 Teachers and Missionaries among them. Whatever a wise Christian benevolence prompts in their behalf, by way of Schools, Orphan homes, Relief for the suffering, and direct religious effort, the Association undertakes, to the full extent of the means furnished by the friends of  the colored people. 

Central Office St John St., New York, 
Rev. EDW.P. Smith, Sec'y for Middle West, 
89 West 6th Street, Cincinnati, O.
Rev. E.M. Cravath, Field Supt., Nashville, Tenn. 
Rev. Hiram Eddy, Missionary Agt., Macon, Ga. 
John A. Rockwell, A.M., Local Supt. 

American Missionary Association, 
Lincoln Home. 
Macon, Ga., 1866.

And now, for the wants of Americus, if I may speak of them, - the church needs rebuilding - should have a low brick underpinning or something equivalent, be made smaller and be largely strengthened in its frame timbers and then such ceiling, new flooring, plastering &c. &c. as would be suitable to make it fit & habitable - The cost I cannot yet estimate but would say should not be tho't of as likely to be less than $1000 - Can you lay out $1500 and take a step toward a nice work?

Will you come up to Macon early in the month & talk the matter over with them yourself or call down from Atlanta and put the work into his hands to make a good plain job?

And now who am I? I desire to render any service I can without interfering with my regular duties even to a care for Mrs. Christian & the Americus building if I find myself able and you wishing it, but having myself received no such direction from you I was taken aback to learn at A. that Mrs. Christian was to report to you through me. I am perfectly willing if I am so instructed by you and indeed any arrangement for the reports from Misses Root & Battey & for Miss Sands who you