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G.A. Payne - Englishman who is taking cotton plantat. at Etang. 1920-May

Worral asst. collector customs Port au Prince Feb. 1920

Lieut. Mills house at PĂ©tionville. May-1920

Belgian V. Consul staying at Kenscott. May-1920.

[[Ary's?]] Birds S.D.

1 Turdus aliciae 6.60
above dull olive - sides head ash gray - underparts white - Brest + throat brown arrow shaped markings-

2 Mimocichla ardesioce. 10.
Gen. plumage plumbrous, a patch of black extending from below & in part of eye to base of up. mandible
Throat white streaked w. black. 
Bill + feet ver. orange-

3 Mimus dominicus 8.50
ab. gray brown, under parts white.
close to M. orpheus.

4. M. Varia
5. Parula americana
6. Dendraece tigrina
7. D. coenilesceus

Transcription Notes:
PĂ©tionille is suburb of Port-au-Prince