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25. May is destis man[?]
upper park + 2  cluf I I. 
furthers slaty gray.
[[Prior?]] + Dec. [[?]] black,
shaving white [[nice?]] base of inner
webs. I [[knock?]], [[?]] + belly 
reddish brown-
[[Fist?]] Jacques- Haiti. 7.
outer [[of?]]. further white w. black shape
26 Spindalis multicolor - 6.40.
(Jane  gridar)
Head black, a Qupucil stripe
from forhed  to nape white.
a black stripe thru eye & nape-
chin white. [[throat??]] yellow in middle 
[[puss?]] through black .
bak [[shin?]]. [[sump?]] chestnut 
a broad yellow collar a nape.
Le Coup + Puerte Plate.