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40 Tyrannus Ionininicensis
ab. gray ash, darkest in trees .8.50.
Dull black patch behind eye. underparts whitish, ashy in sides of breast - wings brown. Under wing coverts pale yellow. Tail brown.

41. Myriarchus dominicensis 6.50
crown dark olive brown, [[?]] lighter on back- Throat & Breast ashy. Belly crissum & under kril coverts yellow. 2 dull white wing bands. Two central T. feathers dark brown, all rest having more than half of inner web rufus to tip.

42. Centopus hispaniolensis
grn. plumage gray olive. 5.50
Feathers of crown edged w. olive- 
Throat ashy becoming olive on sides of breast, & yellow brown on abdomen & crissum. T. brown.