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47 Oropelia Chrysia 284
(Geotrygon martinica)
Pileum & naps walnut brown, over-
laid by metallic green or purple. Hind-neck coppery orange. Back, scapulars, & lesser wing curves reddish brown. A broad
white stripe passing beneath eye. China
A throat white passing with pale vivaceous sort on curved peak, chest thrash. Abdomen bufy

48 Orophelia montana 250.
[[male symbol]]. Upper parts chestnut, wings lighter. A broad stripe of pink cinnamon molar
region, beneath ban orbital space, [[?]] auric. region. Beneath this a broad stripe of [[?]] chestnut. Chin & throat pink cin-namon. Fore neck & chest vivacious fawn, fading with warm buff on under
[[Female symbol]]upper parts light olive brown or deep drab
[[female symbol]] dark brown olive - palm on head.
femur + chest dull is deep cinnamon.