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face deep chestnut.
Tarsus not feathered to feet.

71. Speotyto cunicularia 8.

72. Acuiphir friungillideo 11.50
paler than a fuscus
W. J J. 5.50

73. Ruporuis [[ridgewayi?]]. 13.75
Ab.slaty brown. [[Shape?]] of feathers
of head + uppder back dark brown.
Underparts slaty, faintly hunched w.
[[Mojave?]] in belly + abdomen. Chin
full white. Shoulders + thighs [[Mojave?]]
+ faintly penciled w. indistinct pale
lines. Wings + F. dark brown, banded
w. dull white. W.9.15 J_'6

Top of head + [[?]] brownish ash, 
becoming darker on back. feathers 
of back [[?]] edged rufus.