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Catalinita Id-
Sep- 10-12th 19

Saw Fish hawk 10th
Saw many barn swallows flying southwards
Kingfishers 11th

Saw a wood Ibis fly across strait into Saona Id. Sep. 11th

Black bird sp.?? seen on Saona
Feb 13 & 14 - abt. 7-8 inches long in dense forest.

S. Ullyses Espaillat
Santiago - S.D.
Knows about the hutia (Plagiodontia).

Fish hawk (Pandion) seen at Sanchez Feb. 9th-19- good view of,

Lieut Nickinson (U.S.N.) informed me that he had shot green winged teal & wood duck near San Domingo city & also what appears to have been a Muscovy duck.

Ducks now nest building at Sanchez
Feb. 11th-19.