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Stoughton July 30th 1934

Dear Doris

We had a thunder shower yesterday and a lot of rain through the night, which did lots of good, so to day things seem fresher than they have for months. We have mosquitos they are small and we think they get in through the screens. they come in to her room more than in mine. it seems as if very thing bad is assailing us and all over the world the same. I never knew a year that so many have died from heat as have this summer. this heat wave seems to extend around everywhere. crime is worse than ever. I am glad they got Dillinger though. he was a bold devil not safe to be at large. This neighborhood is very quiet. I am alone this afternoon and no one has called. Mystic I guess got Sick of coming. Alice is no better Mildreds girl has been helping to do her work. Hattie Packard is there still, but they want to get rid of her. poor creature she is a terrible nuisance to ever body. I fear its the way when we get old and beyond work, no one wants us. then its time to pass on. but theres no good in wishing theres a fixed time for us all and not till then and a longtime dead.