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Bert Goldthwait has been very sick in the hospital & is now at his sisters. Frank I Capens wife. recruiting. he is very well fixed. they will fare well at his death  why does the daughter spend her best days down in that devilish hot climate? the whole family are crazy after the almighty dollar. Frank I is fixing up the house painting it building the garage & putting in a cement driveway & now he will raise the rent to pay for it & it is so high now, no one can afford to live there, theres no work so I guess the house will stay empty a while. I hope the tenant wont be another paddy, theres to many in the neighborhood now. Mrs Osborne brought home some apples they are on stewing now they smell mighty good they come from Kidders (the Ames'es' estate) now I will put my letter out hope he comes this morning. dog day weather. 