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Stoughton July 22nd, 1934 

Dear Doris 
We have also been having terrible hot weather but last night after a good shower, the wind got into the North West & today its nice & cool, so I have felt more ambition & have got out a big string of clothes. I washed myself, & no bad affects from it either. yesterday Miss O Brine sent me a postal mailed from Portsmouth where she is taking a vacation of a couple of weeks. I have had a nice visit from Alice Thursday she came over from Mattie Sewalls and spent the day. She is thinking of being married sometime next fall. she took care of him four weeks while he was sick with Pneumonia, in the spring. that old man Quincy still lives his doctor says its surprising how he lingers, with such a weak heart, as he is an old bachelor Frank Poole may stand to get something as he has been his right hand man for over 40 years. and he is worth over a million they say. he was at the head of the Quincy heaters for a good many years.