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Stoughton July 19th 1934.

Dear Doris

We are having very cool weather since last Sunday. I hope you are not roasting but its getting very dry, the ice man said the old farmers almanac says this dry weather was to continue for the next 40 days. lawns are getting brown. I shall not have mine cut for a while as long as this drouth continues. All the berries are drying up & fruit of all kinds is doomed to suffer, but this cool air is certainly refreshing & I hope it will continue & that you are having a share of it also.

I have got my afghan done all ready for the outside scallop. I am in no hurry for that as it will be a good job for cooler weather, that yarn was altogether too coarse & I hope you got it safe as I sint it Monday. The little sample I sent you last is all right to go by & two balls will be enough I think. Mrs Osborne is going home to get herself some shoes as her last ones are so heavy for her feet. she has much trouble with her fallen arches. if she was heavier I would not wonder.