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her high heels are some cause but she cant be told anything, she is English you know. our grass is still uncut but darn the stuff I cant help it & no use in worrying. Your pink nighties have just been cut out plenty of cloth this time. I am at work on them today. Mrs Osborne is making patchwork she got pieces from Mrs Ballentine this morning.

I called up Alice today, she is stopping with Mattie Sewall. she is not married yet. I guess she may come over soon to see us. we get lonesome here by ourselves, no one to run in these days. I have not seen any of those young robins since they left their nest. I hope no cat has got them the old ones around the lawn they have hard times getting worms this dry weather should think. We are now going to eat our supper after five O'clock, so good night dont work so hard in hot weather. Ma