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faithful hard labor on plantations, where such labor must be secured in order to ensure any degree of success.

Civil Authorities

As indicated heretofore the Civil officers of Jefferson County have manifested a desire and willingness to adjudicate all cases of complaint whether made by white or black, and to accord to the Freedmen all the protection and the privileges guaranteed by the laws of the State to its citizens. This however is merely their profession, as they have as yet committed themselves neither by deed nor writing

On the 17th of September an old, decrepid Colored man was brutally shot by some villain near this town. The wound in the face was a dangerous one. The case was turned over to the Civil authorities and the enclosed fold marked "C." is a statement of the case from the Magistrate, to whom I was referred. 

The civil authorities having no means to provide for the old man, I did so, securing him medical attention and a home until the supposed offender could be arrested and tried. Unexpectedly he was found dead on the morning of the 27th day of September 1865.

The expenses incurred in finding for him support and his burial amounts as follows;

Medical care and nursing   $15.00
Burial  20.00

These expenses are irregular, but they were unavoidable and I hope they may be allowed.