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a few miles from Newton Station who is insane and has to be kept chained all the time and that no one makes any effort to do any thing for him, also there are two paupers (colored) on the county

With due sentiments of Respects
We have the honor to remain
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servants.
Wm Kirkpatrick
Carolinus Boyd
J E G Smith Recorder of Board

P.S. If any thing is sent please have it marked to Newton Station
Newton Co
J.E.G. Smith
Recorder of Board

P.S. Since writing the above statements I have been advised of the fact that parties have been trying to get hold of a lot of grain and Bacon and from what I can learn to no good purpose therefore I would respectfully request that the grain be sent under our special supervision so that we may see that justice is done
Very Respy 
Yours &c
J.E.G. Smith

Transcription Notes:
justice on the 4th to last line may be miswritten as juctice