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your instructions on these matters.

In the 2nd. Precinct I regret to say there are two families of whites in a state bordering on actual starvation, they are both widows & have each a family of five helpless children, they eke out their miserable existance thro the charity of a kind neighbour Mr. Boyd who has up to this time from his own scanty means supplied their wants thro the last year at an expense of over $300. this County refuses to make any appropriation for their indigent poor, there are several cases of destitution also among the Colored folks in this (2nd) precinct, it is a pitable sight to see those poor old people bereft of all sympathy & support.

The work of Registration goes quietly on the Blacks as a general thing are all registering. I try to impress on them the strict necessity of discharging all their duties as good Citizens by refraining from all lawless practices adhering strictly to their Contracts & not waste their time in roaming over the Country. I assure them the Comdg Genl will take care that they are all paid their wages if they keep their Contracts. it is to be regretted that many of them leave their Master just at the time their services are most needed.

I deeply regret to inform you that Cholera has made its appearance on 3 or 4 of the plantations in this precinct and some 20 or 23 Colored