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persons have already fallen victims to its ravages, its appearance has caused quite a panic and I am informed the crops on these plantations are abandoned. Should it travel from one plantation to another it will ruin this County. Most of those affected were imported into this County from No. Carolina, Georgia, & Alabama. 

The work of reconstructing some of these rebels is rather a difficult operation, we occasionally meet one of those blustering bullying gents who raves about negro suffrage &c yet he in a short cases in and goes thro the swearing operation with a good grace, but as a general thing citizens are all courteous & obliging & very ready to afford me any information required.

As I intend at the close of registration to make a general report, of the state of the crops &c &c in the County; from notes taken under my personal observation & from all other reliable sources of information I can collect, I think it is better to defer any report of the crops until then.

I shall post you as to the amt. of destitution in each Precinct as I go along, as we proceed from here today to interior of the County & thro the dismal swamps, which cover a great portion of it we will be completely