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to the unfavorableness of the season.  All crops being injured in the spring on account of to much rain then during the months of July & August the extreme dry weather injured the corn & cotton, cutting the former short about one half of a common crop, and the worm & wet weather during Sept & most of October rendered the cotton almost an entire failure there being hardly one third [[strikethrough]] of [[/strikethrough]] of a crop gathered.  There being about (300) bales made in the county  

There is about the same breadth planted this year as last; but in different proportions about one fifth being planted in cotton the balance being in corn, rice & potatoes.  The corn crop is very fair this season, the cotton is looking very well the worm has not injured it materially as yet though they made their appearance here sometime back.  There is a great deal of attention given to the raising of cattle and hogs in this county.  The eastern half of this county they give their entire attention to stock raising. The colored people are working very well this year most of them work for an interest in the crop.  We have not heard of but few instances of their being delt harshly or dishonestly with.

There is one thing we have not been able to find in the county, that is a colored school, though there has been a great many of the colored people who