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| Mayhew (Whit) vs Sucky (col'd) Yalobusha, Co August 17th, 1867 | Complains that freedman Sucky's children in contract with him will not work. Advice given in the case tell the Mother to correct her children if they will not do their duty according to contract. |

| Mr. Peebles (Wht) vs. John Herden Carroll Co August 17th, 1867 | States that John Herden (col'd) has a contract with him for the year, that he has refused to work after the crop is [[blank]] by, that he is impudent and will not obey any of his orders. Ordered him to settle with said freedman by arbitration, and discharge him. The parties afterwards came to the office, and the matter was settled by the freedman returning to work and obey orders according to contract. |

| Mary Stoavll (col'd) vs. F.M. Simpson Tallahatchie Co August 22nd 1867 | States that Simpson has not paid her for labour done on his farm 1866. Note to Simpson to report to this office |

| John Towns (col'd) vs. Roland Jones | Makes application for his daughter Rachel 9 years of age living at Roland Jones. Note to Roland Jones to deliver the child up to the Father or Brother. Mr Jones appeared at this office and said that he would give the child up |